Lead Buckets and Re Engagement in Social Media Channels

So let’s talk about lead capture and re-engagement. And this is really going to give you a lot of clarity because there are so many social media channels out there that it’s simply impossible to engage with all of them across the board and you shouldn’t do it anyway. It’s confusing and it’s not effective and eventually you’re going to mentally give up on it because it’s just too much to juggle. So keep your social media channel selections simple but pick one that you feel really comfortable with and that you can we engage with and it feels natural to you as you’re creating content. So here are some of the options: one of the biggest ones is Facebook, of course. So you want to set up a fan page for your firm and post blogs or regular content to that page. Now the lead capture on a Facebook fan page is the follow button. So your call to action that adds people to your lead bucket on a Facebook fan page is the follow button. So you’ll want to encourage people to follow you so that they can stay up to date. For business to business especially LinkedIn is a great option. So what is the lead bucket in a LinkedIn campaign? Well a connection. A person who is connected to you on LinkedIn is in your lead bucket. So if you post an article or something of interest to your LinkedIn account that is seen by people who are connected to you. So the goal if you’re using LinkedIn as your engagement channel is to get people to connect to you. So a little bit of effort spent every week getting people to connect to you can turn into potential engagement opportunities where people will see material that you’re posting to LinkedIn. We’re actually planning a complete walkthrough in the campaign blueprints section of the website about how to optimize your LinkedIn account or set up a business page for your law firm and also reach out to completely cold prospects who might constitute an ideal client for your business. So YouTube is another important social Channel and it also has a lead bucket and a re-engagement opportunity that it gives to the publisher. So the lead bucket on the YouTube account is the subscribe button. So if you have subscribers, your subscribers are in the lead bucket for that channel. Your re-engagement happens when you create a new video because YouTube lets all subscribers know that you’ve done something new. So you have an opportunity to re-engage when you create a new video and that re-engagement goes out to people who are subscribed to you because the subscribers are included in your lead bucket. The granddaddy of all engagement patterns is the email newsletter or the email bulletin that requires you to incentivize a website visitor to give you an email address so that you can capture it so that you can re-engage with them. So in this case, the email list is your lead bucket and your engagement pattern is sending out your emails and there’s lots of different providers that do this. If you decide to go with MailChimp, MailChimp gives you at least at this time 2000 subscribers or the ability to engage with 2000 subscribers before they charge you anything. So it’s a great place to start out. There are other options out there such as getresponse and constantcontact but do your own research and your website designer can help you to fully integrate your lead capture offer with your MailChimp account.